About Me

Hello, I'm Valerio (Sigma) D'Onghia, a self-taught programmer and freelance computer technician. I'm 24, live in Italy and speak 3 languages (German, Italian and English).

I've always been facinated by computers, and at the age of 12 I started to play around with them learning different things, from video editing and 3D modeling to building and fixing computers.

I've learned everything I know about computers on my own throughout the years, and since 2014 I provide tech support for multiple problems. You can find more information about my tech support service by pressing the button below.

I've also been very into programming since I started using Discord back in 2016. Since then I make 100% customized Discord Bots using Node.js and Discord.js. Right now I have 6 years of experience in Discord Bot development, Node.js and Javascript and sell Discord Bots as a gig over on Fiverr, starting at $10. You can request nearly anything you want, as long as it doesn't involve chat games, as those are too complicated for me.